Trimming ICF’s on a sprained ankle.

7 08 2007

rewardwallformLast night my wife and I spent three hours trimming the interlocking teeth of the ICF’s that will make up the perimeter form of our slab on grade. This task was supposed to have been completed on the weekend along with a major chuck of the slab forwaork itself however fate has decided to throw us another curve ball!

Saturday afternoon the family was together for a gam of paintball at a local field for my brother-in-law’s birthday and within the first 5 minutes of the first match I twisted my ankle in some mud bad enough to tear a ligament or two! Ouch. It left me immobilized that day and medicating with some beer at my father-in-law’s cottage. I had hoped that the sprain would feel better enough for me to get some work done on Sunday, alas it only felt worse. So after feebly attempting to do some work on the site, I relented into letting my wife take me to the ER. 4 hours later (wait times are an issue here!) I had clean x-rays and advice to take it easy, walk on it a little every day to strengthen the ligaments, and that it should be better in a couple weeks.

So I am suddenly behoven to ask friends and family for more help than I wanted to burden them with. Last nights chore of trimming the ICF’s was an easy chore with very little walking and no heavy lifting on a level smooth floor, it still left my ankle swollen and throbing by the end of the night and me exhausted!

We are still hoping to pour some concrete within a week or so, I’ll be posting photos when we get some more progress done.



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